The Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

Hello everybody! Today, I’m kicking off December with a Christmassy tag- the Bookish Naughty or Nice tag, which I was tagged for by its creator Jenn last year and have been saving since then. Onto the post!

1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it

Naughty- I review almost everything I get sent, but there have been a couple that fell through the cracks.

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley

Nice- I don’t use Netgalley.

3. Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)

Nice- I have books where I’ve only rated and not reviewed, but I’ve never promised a review in the future- it’s just something I plan not to review.

4. Folded down the page of a book

Nice- I use bookmarks pretty much all the time!

5. Accidentally spilled on a book

Naughty- have done this many, many times.

6. DNF a book this year

Naughty- I’ve definitely DNF a few books.

7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it

Nice- I actually don’t think I have done this in 2018- I mean, I’ve had some cover buys for sure, but only after I’ve read the back and made sure I do actually want to read it.

8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)

Naughty- I have definitely done this at some point in the year. Probably many times in fact!

9. Skim read a book

Naughty- I’ve skimmed some books I had mixed feelings on (when I say skim, I properly read most of them then skimmed the ending to get through it faster and move onto something I’d hopefully like more!). Northern Lights stands out as an example of this!

10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal

Nice- my Goodreads isn’t quite up to date as my monthly reviews post isn’t written and posted yet, but once it is I’ll only be 3 from hitting it (which I put up to 150 from my original 100, so I’m really proud of this!)

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it

Naughty- I still have library books out, if that counts? If this means from a person, then I’ve been nice on this front!

12. Broke a book buying ban

Nice- I have not set a book buying ban, and as such not broken it.

13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about

A mix of both I think- I do all my reviews at the end of the month, so I do this for most books. I tend to keep things in mind I want to say for most of them. I do need to remind myself of some things, but I always get there in the end and get something written to say what I enjoyed (and sometimes things I didn’t for books I enjoyed less)

14. Wrote in a book you were reading

Nice- I don’t think I’ve ever written in a book in my whole life, let alone this year!

15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads

Nice- I’ve possibly not added things I didn’t finish, but not things I have. I always add things as read, even if it’s just a rating (eg for things I read for school, or things I’ve decided not to do a full review of for some reason).

I tag Charlotte and Cora!

So… it’s close but I think overall I’m on the nice list! Would you be on the naughty or nice list? I’d love to hear in the comments!

Amy x

Author: goldenbooksgirl

Disabled book blogger who also writes TV, film, music and other posts from time to time | UKYABA Champion Teen 2018 | Email: | she/her

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