Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish Worlds I Never Want to Live In

Hello everybody! Today, I’m taking part in Top Ten Tuesday, for which the theme today is bookish worlds I don’t want to live in. I’ve come up with 5, so onto the post!

The Last Wild trilogy– in these books, animalsare almost extinct. Given animals are pretty much my favourite thing in actual life, and I’d be lost without my golden retrievers, this is not a world I’d be heading into (even though the last remaining animals are AMAZING and I love them). I also had to read some bits, especially in book 2, through my hands as I couldn’t cope, so I’d be even worse if I witnessed them myself.

Harry Potter– while I WOULD like to see the Wizarding World, I’m not up for the one in the actual books, because let’s face it, things were pretty tense with all the Death Eaters and Voldemort.

The Hunger Games– I can’t even do regular sport/active stuff, so a dystopian, action based landscape is not my jam. I wouldn’t last pastthe Cornucopia.

Anything by Agatha Christie– while I would probably cope relatively well in things like Murder Most Unladylike (by Robin Stevens) as I’d have Hazel to be terrified with, I wouldn’t like to jump into an Agatha Christie tale. While I’ve only seen adaptations rather than reading them, those I have seen were pretty sinister and given multiple people die in them, I wouldn’t fancy taking the chance.

Boy in the Tower– I love the characters in this book with my whole heart, but I’d never live in this world. The thought of a building falling and crushing me to death isn’t the most appealing, no matter how good the company was.

Which bookish worlds would you most like to avoid? Do you agree with any of my choices? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter @GoldenBooksGirl!

Author: goldenbooksgirl

Disabled book blogger who also writes TV, film, music and other posts from time to time | UKYABA Champion Teen 2018 | Email: | she/her

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish Worlds I Never Want to Live In”

  1. I think the wizarding world during the wars would be terrifying but I’d probably still give it a go!

    I’m not sure Agatha Christie wrote a book that wasn’t a murder mystery, so I’d agree your chances of making out either alive or not guilty of murder are probably pretty slim and neither are desirable!

    Liked by 1 person

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