Five Books That Remind Me of George Ezra Songs

Hello everybody! Today, I’m going to be doing a post about two of my very favourite things in the world- George Ezra and books, and specifically books that remind me of George Ezra songs. This was a little bit trickier than previous similar posts since George has less albums and also because I imagine full plots for almost all his songs in my head (can someone please reassure me that isn’t weird?), but I’m really pleased with what I came up with and it gave me a very good excuse to listen to him in the name of research. Anyway, onto the post!

The Flatshare– I could have picked just about any romance for Paradise, because it is about the feeling of love rather than a super specific love story, but I’ve went for this because of my favourite line in the whole thing, which if you’ve been paying very close attention you might know “I know you’ve heard it from those other boys, but this time it’s real, it’s something that I feel” and I think that fits Tiffy and Leon in a really beautiful way, because her ex was emotionally abusive and falling for Leon is so different for her. It’s a gorgeous book, and it deserves a link to such a gorgeous song in my mind.

Beautiful Broken Things/Fierce Fragile Hearts– I love Suzanne from these books, and I think Breakaway is perfect for her- my understanding of that song is that it’s about someone escaping an abusive situation, which is exactly what my beloved Suze is doing when we first meet her. The books are just amazing, and Breakway is one of the most underrated songs in existence. It makes me want to hug whoever it’s about just as much as I want to hug Suze as well!

Soulmates– this is the debut novel of Holly Bourne, who is now a well-deserved queen of YA, and I really enjoyed it. It reminds me of the Beautiful Dream not only because I interpret that song as being about finding a soulmate, but also because of one line that asks if the grass of Eden is overrated- aka is finding your soulmate overrated? Both the song and the book are brilliant. Also, can we talk for a second about how George Ezra’s girlfriend features on this and no one seems to have noticed?

The Curses– I can’t tell you a great deal about this book because you’ll enjoy it more if you go in as blind as a newborn kitten (read the Graces first though, or you’ll be confused out of your mind), but it has the same dark sense of humour and some similar themes to Did You Hear the Rain?, which always makes me laugh when I hear it now because it’s not a song people who only know George Ezra from radio would expect from him, I’m pretty sure.

The Longest Night of Charlie Noon-this is another one I can’t really tell you much about without spoiling it all, but it has huge themes of time passing, much like Cassy O (contrary to popular belief, it’s about time, NOT a girl). The song has some of George’s best writing, and the book is my favourite Christopher Edge to date.

What’s your favourite George Ezra song? Are there any books that remind you of one, and what do you think of my choices? I’d love to hear in the comments!

Amy x

My Thoughts on Wanted on Voyage

Hello everybody!

Today, I’m super excited to be writing my thoughts on George Ezra’s first album Wanted on Voyage, which I have loved since a couple of months after release (basically since I heard him sing on Graham Norton, then I asked for the album for my birthday and the rest is history!). Anyhow, even though this is now four years old, I thought this would be fun, as I adore it so much. Also, how adorable is it that the name of this album is inspired by Paddington Bear?! Onto the post!

Blame it On Me– this is the perfect opener. It’s light and summery, and ultra catchy throughout. This was the first George Ezra song I ever heard as well, and it made me into the fangirl I am today, so I love it a lot. It shows off George’s voice perfectly.

Budapest– the original single! This kind of tells a story; about someone willing to give up all their fabulous possessions, which include a house in Budapest, for the person they love, and it’s so sweet. I love the story behind it hugely (George didn’t get to go to Budapest when he was interrailing because he got drunk at Eurovision and was so hungover he missed the train… so wrote this instead) and overall it’s just a really nice song.

Cassy’O- this is a very fun, well written song. It’s about the passage of time, even though it sort of sounds like George is singing about a girl at some points, and some of the lyrics make me laugh every time I hear them. A very interesting and unusual song that took a while to grow on me, but I now adore.

Barcelona– this is kind of haunting in a way, and it’s a really pretty love song. I can’t believe I once found it boring, because now I’d describe it as a breathtaking ballad.

Listen to the Man- this is probably my favourite love song of the album. It’s so sweet, and it’s incredibly catchy to sing along to. It’s absolutely lovely; sort of a more upbeat version of Hold My Girl (which is from George’s 2nd album)

Leaving it Up to You– we get to hear George speak at the start, which is fab because I think his accent is lovely, and it’s about meeting an ex after they have a new partner. The chorus shows off George’s falsetto, and it’s very gentle and easy to listen to.

Did You Hear the Rain?- I find the intro a bit long and repetitive, so I tend to skip it, but I adore this song. It’s pretty dark, and (I think, anyway), about the piece of you inside that wants you to do bad things. I love George’s voice deeper so much (I love George’svoice all the time, but deep is my favourite way to hear it)

Drawing Board– this is hands down my favourite of the album, as you might know if you read my recent Q and A post. It’s about someone who wants to murder their partner, and the various plots they concoct to do this. It’s brilliant to sing along to when you’re annoyed even if your situation is totally different, and the lyrics are so clever.

Stand by Your Gun– this is so irresistibly catchy. The lyrics are quite abstract, but they’re super fun, and George’s voice is particularly gorgeous in it. It shows a little bit of his higher range, which I always love, as even though he’s known for his voice being deep it’s just as good when he goes higher, in my opinion. As I write this, I’m sitting on the couch, dancing (wriggling really) in my seta to this because it’s infectiously happy and brilliant.

Breakaway– this is by far the most underrated George Ezra song in existence, if you ask me. It’s about him attempting to convince someone in a toxic, abusive relationship to leave, and it’s heartbreaking. It makes me cry each and every time I listen, and the bit at the end with the backing singers/clapping is beautiful.

Over the Creek– this is another kind of abstract one I love! Again, I am clueless as to what it’s about, but I find something weirdly funny about the lyrics (“nonetheless, I must confess that I’m the mess, that has been left to save you”).

Spectacular Rival- this song is deliciously creepy and sinister, and I feel like it’s a great closer for this album. It’s probably the deepest George’s voice gets, which is weirdly soothing to listen to given the subject matter and I think the instrumentals are particularly phenomenal.

Thank you so much for reading! Are you a George Ezra fan? What’s your favourite song from Wanted on Voyage? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter @GoldenBooksGirl, I am always available to have a good fangirling session!

Amy x

Thoughts on Staying at Tamara’s

Hello everybody! Today, I’m going to be talking about my thoughts on Staying at Tamara’s, the almost two week old second album by my joint favourite artist ever, George Ezra. Quick disclaimer that I’m not uber up on technical terms; these are just my feelings/opinions/thoughts on what these songs are about and what they are. Onto the post!

Pretty Shining People– this is a wonderful opener to an album largely about escapism. It’s so beautifully sang, and the lyrics are uplifting and wonderful. The chorus is especially lovely and makes me feel likeI can take on whatever rubbish thing lies ahead that I’m worried about.

Don’t Matter Now- I initially wasn’t sure if I liked this or not, but after testing it 100 times since it was released last July I’m fairly sure I do. It’s about escapism (every song is, in some way, I think) and it’s so catchy. I can’t believe it didn’t get more radio play, as it’s exactly the sort of thing that’s fun to sing along to, and will get stuckin your head for DAYS (and only ever be mildly infuriating, which is a bonus. ) .

Get Away- the introductory instrumentals to this are just 😍, to begin with. I like it’s message, again one of escaping, and another of my favourite things about it is the brass band section. The new section of George’s band is one of my favourite things about the album in general actually.

Shotgun– this very quickly became my favourite song of the album. I listened to it at least 50 times on the first day it was out, and at least 50 more in the following week. It’s sunshine and joy in audio form, and I love the fun lyrics and the way it captures a lovely summery feeling. The pre-chorus and chorus itself are unbelievably catchy, the little bit where George almost speaks (‘I could get USED to this’) makes me grin and it’s just infectious in its joy. It’s also George’s favourite, which makes me even happier I fell so head over heels for it.

Paradise– this was the first official single of the album, and I played it so much the day it was released. It got completely stuck in my head, I think it’s just LOVELY and it makes me very happy that it pops up on the radio quite a bit to brighten my day. Also, the key change heading into the pre-chrous and that line (‘I know you’ve heard it from those other boys’) is one of my top moments of the album.

All my Love– despite it being about something quite different, this feels like this album’s version of Blind Man in Amsterdam. It’s short, sweet, and about always being there for someone. There are some fab lyrics and I love George’s voice on it, but it’s not one of my favourites.

Sugarcoat– this one was very unexpected for me in becoming a top 3 favourite. I’d actually almost been dreading getting to it as I didn’t like the title much, but my god it’s good. It’s about a romantic trip to South Africa and taking the next step in a relationship I think, and it’s dreamy and swoony and I adore it. I also really like the way George kind of talks to himself at one point, and the way it’s quite a self contained story, which is something I’ve always loved about George’s songs. The instrumentals are amazing too. So unexpected, but so good.

Hold My Girl- this is my 2nd favourite song of the album. It’s a beautiful ballad that makes me cry basically every time I hear it, and I love it so much. I sneakily found it on YouTube last summer well before it got released, and I’ve been listening ever since. It’s stunning.

Saviour (feat First Aid Kit)- this one has quite a dark sound to it, remniscent of Wanted On Voyage in a lot of ways (particularly Did You Hear the Rain?), and I must admit I still have no idea what it’s about. I think it’s fantastic though!

Only a Human– this is another amazing ballad, and it came very close to being in my top three favourites list. It’s about not blaming yourself when you make a mistake and put too much pressure on yourself, and it’s so poignant. The message feels very universal; something everyone needsto hear sometimes, and it makes me happy and sad at the same time.

The Beautiful Dream- there are parts of this which remind me of Breakaway (by far George’s most underrated song ever, in my opinion) so I obviously love it. It’s stunning, we see a few glimpses of falsetto in and it’s a perfect ending to a great album. Can I have George Ezra 3 now, please?

Are you a fellow fan of George Ezra? What’s your favourite song from this album? If you’ve not heard it, have I convinced you to give it a go? Would anyone be interested in a post like this for Wanted on Voyage? (I only ask as it’s a bit older, I’m planning to do one for other artists I love’s new stuff as and when it’s released). I’d absolutely LOVE to chat about this album with you, so let me know the answers to these in the comments or on Twitter @GoldenBooksGirl!

Amy xxx