Spelling Flowers in Books

Hello everybody! It’s time for another installment in the spelling words with books series; today is the turn of flowers. Onto the post!

F is for… Fear Ground– I’m a massive wuss when it comes to horror, but the humour and heart Jennifer Killick brings to the genre numbs the terror enough for these to be faves. This one has villains with creepy clown masks!

L is for… the Lost Girl King– this was the most recent Cat Doyle middle grade, and it was such a good standalone fantasy story that taught me loads about Irish mythology. I’ve been loving seeing more of that, actually!

O is for… Operation Nativity – not the most seasonally appropriate recommendation, but this book is SO much fun. Who knew the Angel Gabriel was a full on COMEDIAN?!? Already so excited for Jenny Pearson’s next one.

W is for… the Wedding Season– Katy Birchall’s adult romcoms bring me SUCH joy. This one is about a woman who gets dumped on the day of her wedding, and the new love story she finds while she attends her friends’ weddings over the summer.

E is for… Every Gift a Curse– this was the final book in the phenomenal Gifts trilogy, which are utterly unique and deeply difficult to describe. I IMPLORE you to read them and agree with me, ASAP!!

R is for… Read with Pride– this was book 2 in Lucy Powrie’s fabulous Paper and Hearts Society series, and probably my favourite of the trilogy. It sees main character Olivia start an underground book club when her school library bans queer books, and it’s so joyful while also tackling many important topics.

S is for… the Stickleback Catchers- this is a wonderful book about family and friendship, with fabulous disability representation by a disabled author (my stick sister, in fact!) and a raven called Fig Archimedes who stole my whole heart. I hope to get round to writing my proper review soon!

This word was suggested by my friend Rachael, whose amazing blog you should absolutely check out!

Thank you so much for reading! Have you read any of these books, or are you planning to? What’s your favourite flower? I’d love to chat in the comments!

Amy xx

Spelling Purple in Books

Hello everybody! So, last year I did a post every single month where I spelled out months with book titles, and I wanted to keep the tradition going but change things up a bit.

I’ve asked friends and followers for some suggestions and have a couple but need more, so if you see this please do send one in! Anyway, onto our first word of the year, purple!

Continue reading “Spelling Purple in Books”

Spelling March in Books

Hello everybody! Today, I’m continuing on with my series where I spell out the months of the year with book titles, and today we are of course doing March. Next year, I think I’m going to ask for suggestions for each month, so if you want to get in early with some feel free to leave your idea in the comment. Anyway, onto the post!

Continue reading “Spelling March in Books”

10 Brilliant Books/Series Written by Dynamic Author Duos

Hello everybody! Today, I’m taking part in Top Ten Tuesday, for which the theme today is dynamic duos. Onto the post!

Continue reading “10 Brilliant Books/Series Written by Dynamic Author Duos”

Spelling January in Books

Hello everybody! Today I’m so excited to be starting a new little project on my blog, where every month (just whenever in the month suits my posting schedule), I will be spelling out the month we’re currently in and recommending a book for each letter.

I thought this would be a really fun way to kind of pick out books that I don’t talk about enough and to add a bit more of a random element to it than a Tag post or a very specific sort of reviews post. And then if it goes well, I’d love to get reader suggestions for words for each month of next year. Anyway, onto the post itself!

Continue reading “Spelling January in Books”

If You Liked This Book, You’ll Like this One Too! #4

Hello everybody! Today, it’s time for another round of recommending a book I think has similarities to another, aka if you like this, try this. These are so fun to write, and if you have any books you’re looking for a specific next read for, please pop it in the comments and I’ll try and include it in the next one of these. Onto the post!

Continue reading “If You Liked This Book, You’ll Like this One Too! #4”

If you Liked This Book… Why Not Try This One? | Part 2

Hello everybody! Today, I’m bringing you the second installment of my efforts to do really specific book recommendations for if you enjoyed a certain book, which I loved doing the first time after having enjoyed other people’s versions for ages, and really want to make a regular feature here I think. Onto the post!

Continue reading “If you Liked This Book… Why Not Try This One? | Part 2”

Five Books That Remind Me of The Killers Songs

Hello everybody! Today, I’m going to be doing another books that remind me of songs post, and this time it’s the turn of the Killers, who I’ve been VERY into lately, as you’ve probably guessed from the posts I’ve been doing about them! Onto the post!

Continue reading “Five Books That Remind Me of The Killers Songs”

Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Villains

Hello everybody!

Today, I’m taking part in Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by Jana and today has the theme of our favourite villains. Because a lot of my thoughts on villains are similar, I’ve decided to only do a list of six. Onto the post!

Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Villains”

5 Books That Feature Witches

Hello everybody!

Today, I’m going to be talking about some of the books I really like that feature witches, was an idea I got from Jenn’s fab list of October-themed prompts. Onto the post!


The Graces- I read this when it was rainy and stormy outside, and it was the perfect choice of book for that weather. It’s about “River” (which isn’t her real name, hence the quotation) as she becomes involved with the enigmatic Grace siblings, who are rumoured to be witches. It’s so atmospheric and tense and thrilling, and I loved it so much; the narration style of us knowing nothing about River somehow adds even more to the quietly spooky vibe. The last line sent shivers down my spine, and I’m very excited for the sequel the Curses next year. I feel like I’ve been waiting on it forever!

The Apprentice Witch/A Witch Alone- these books are about Arianwyn as she’s sent to be the resident witch on the small island of Lull after failing her exam that would allow her to become a fully fledged witch rather than an apprentice who must continually prove herself in her job, and I adore these books. There are so many amazing magical creatures and I love the magic system and old-fashioned feel of the worldbuilding, and Arianwyn is a fantastic character who shows that even incredibly talented and capable people make mistakes. They’re both full of adventure and excitement and a very cosy feeling, and I’m so sad that A Witch Come True will (probably) be the last time I get to see this world. I’m so excited to see what it’s like at Christmas time in this world though!

The Witch’s Kiss trilogy- these are about teenage Merry as she must use her newly discovered powers to stop Jack, who is possessed by a wizard’s curse, from killing people, while also falling in love with him. The later books see her face different magical enemies, and I really enjoyed them all. They’re full of excellent plots with great villains and interesting mysteries that kept me reading on, the second book has a killer cliffhanger, and there’s a lovely sibling relationship between Merry and her older brother. I’m also a big fan of Finn in books 2 and 3 as he really makes me laugh!

The Witches- this, along with Matilda, is my favourite Roald Dahl book. The witches were pretty terrifying to young me, mainly due to their varied ingenious ways of murdering children, especially the Grand High Witch, and I really enjoyed how brave and adventurous the main character was too. I hate the film version with a passion though.

Witch Girl- this was a very recent read, and I liked it a lot. It’s about a girl called Evangeline, who is the apprentice of her haunt huntress grandmother, and together they defeat malevolent spirits. During the book, they must leave their swamp home and go to New Orleans for an unusual case, and it was so interesting watching it unfold in the rather creepy manor they’re staying in, and I loved how all these little clues I hadn’t picked up on were linked together at the end to explain the mystery throughout. The worldbuilding was great too.

Which witchy books would you recommend to me? Are you a fan of any that I’ve mentioned? I’d love to to hear in the comments below!

Amy x